Despegando hacia la lectura®
Despegando hacia la lectura® is a comprehensive, Spanish-language resource that can be fully implemented as a stand-alone literacy program.

Combine it with its English language counterpart – the award-winning Flying Start to Literacy™ – for rigorous dual-language instruction.

What Despegando hacia la lectura® Brings to Your Literacy Instruction
High-frequency words have a high rate of repetition with a low ratio of unfamiliar words
Key vocabulary is introduced systematically. Key vocabulary is carefully introduced and constantly revisited. Paired books present the same key vocabulary in different text types.

Paired books present the same high-frequency words in different sentence structures and text types.
A variety of text types enable the development of a range of reading strategies
Text types with different structures and text features build reading strategies for texts that have different purposes.
Text complexity is carefully sequenced to build reading strategies
Despegando hacia la lectura® is sequenced into 9 Developmental Stages. Reading strategies are developed and consolidated at each level.
The teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness is supported by the program
Underpinning Despegando hacia la lectura® is a systematic and explicit sequence of phonemic awareness and phonics. This sequence is matched in the books to provide a context for learning.
Fluency enhances comprehension
Lesson Plans provide opportunities for oral reading and include the re-reading of books to improve word identification skills and comprehension.
Reading and writing are linked
The range of text types and the pairing of narrative and informational texts provide models of writing for the readers. Comprehensive Lesson Plans include writing as an integral part of each lesson.
Assessment is ongoing to inform instruction
Ongoing assessment forms part of each teaching sequence.